Ewan has specialist knowledge of many bird species, and especially those of upland habitats.
Ewan has been contracted to do bird/wildlife surveys for Highland Forestry, Tree Story, North West Mull Community Woodland and Mull & Iona Community Trust in recent years.

JULY 2021
Glen Forsa (Isle of Mull) - Breeding Bird Survey - 1270 hectares, prior to a woodland creation project

JULY 2023
Quinish (Isle of Mull) - Baseline Bird Survey - 30 hectres, prior to harvesting

West Ardhu (Isle of Mull) - Baseline Bird Survey (pre harvesting) - 56 hectares

Otter Field Survey Methods - Ardura Community Woodland - 200 hectares

Professional Ecology
We have a specialist knowledge of many bird species, and especially those of upland habitats.
Ewan has been contracted to do bird/wildlife surveys for Highland Forestry and Tree Story in recent years on Mull.
Vantage Point Watches
Breeding Bird Surveys
Wintering Bird Surveys
Goose and Swan Counts
Breeding Seabird Surveys
Wetland Birds (WeBS) Surveys
We conduct a variety of ornithological surveys using recognised and appropriate techniques tailored to your project. We currently undertake voluntary scientific bird censuses for the British Trust for Ornithology and other organisations so are aware of best practice protocols.

Golden Eagle & Hen Harrier Fieldwork
Ewan monitors a number of Golden Eagle territories on Mull to assist with island-wide coverage and data collection. Mull is an internationally important location for Golden Eagles, supporting a healthy percentage of the Scottish population.
2023 is the national Hen Harrier census and we have committed to monitoring a few 10km census squares on the Isle of Mull to assist with the nationwide coverage.
This UK-wide survey is funded by RSPB, NatureScot, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales
and Northern Ireland Environment Agency, and is being organised by RSPB staff.