Isle of Mull
Noteworthy bird sightings from the island
Enter your Mull bird record(s) below...

The objective of this page is to keep everyone, locals and visitors, up to date with any noteworthy bird sightings on the Isle of Mull.
Please add the date at the start of each entry.
Please be sensitive and refrain from reporting Mull's spotlight/schedule 1 species especially during the breeding season/summer months - White-tailed Eagles, Golden Eagles, Hen Harriers, Short-eared Owls and Otters.
Check Species list before reporting sightings - For more common bird species as well as all sightings in general we encourage you to use BTO Birdtrack..
In the case of rarer species, details would also be passed on to the Argyll Recorder Jim Dickson (argyllbirder@outlook.com) who may require a full description (ABRC-form) before the record is accepted. ​​​
View/join our facebook group 'Mull Nature Watch' for more wildlife sightings, stories and photographs from the Isle of Mull - https://www.facebook.com/groups/mull.nature.watch